Powered by customer satisfaction, Martin Steam Specialties Company
provides the highest quality products for client solutions
to steam and process control systems.
If we sell it, we stand by it —We offer comprehensive support for the products we represent. Our experts
have scoured the market for the highest quality products to implement to ensure the most effective
systems. If your steam and process heating needs are putting too much pressure on your team, you can
count on us to help you power up with the most reliable and effective systems available.

Announcing Our New Line of Steam
Specialties... Watson McDaniel Precision
Manufactured Steam Products
We’re proud to work with Watson McDaniel, an ISO 9001 Quality Certified manufacturer, whose globally recognized and time-tested products offer maximum efficiency. From sophisticated control valves to standard steam traps, we have the steam specialty products you need at a cost you can afford. MADE IN THE USA. As with all of the products we offer, Watson McDaniel products are backed up by our unsurpassed customer service.

Alarm Annunciators
ASME Code Tanks
Boiler Controls
Boiler Feed & Vacuum Boiler Feed Units
Check Valves
Condensate Units
Control Valves
Domestic Water Tempering Valves
Electric Steam & Hot Water Boilers
Expansion Joints
Feed Water Pumps
Liquid Drainers
Pressure Reducing Valves
Safety & Relief Valves
Steam Flow & Condensate Meters
Steam Fired Instantaneous Hot Water Heaters
Steam Traps
Temperature Regulators
Vacuum Boiler Feed Units
Vacuum Condensate Units